Reunion Details
THE NEW Powers Catholic High School 1505 W. Court St. Flint MI 48503 |
Powers Catholic Class of 1988 come join fellow classmates as we celebrate the 25th year of life after high school!
Reminisce with one another the stories of our youth. Impress old friends with newfound abilities or just be your good 'ole self and enjoy others incredible tales of woe and awe!
Have a chance to TOUR THE NEW POWERS HIGH SCHOOL! Stop along the way to purchase some Powers attire or a keepsake.
Take pleasure in the remarkable musical talents of some pretty cool dudes that you will surely and fondly remember from our crazy days of fun! Along with that we will have a DJ to move the gala along with our pre-made 25th Reunion Play List of some of the most memorable songs from the 80's!
Try your luck, get rich quick by purchasing some 50/50 raffle tickets!
Grab your friends and "strike a pose" in our super cool FREE and UNLIMITED photo booth for your enjoyment!
Be the very fortunate WINNER of the incredibly LARGE, never seen anything like this before, had to be carried in by 5 guys, "AFTER GLO TRAVELING PARTY TUB"! Tickets can be purchased at the event and the drawing will be held at 11pm the night of the event.
Purchase one of our "LIMITED EDITION" Class of '88 T-Shirts.
If your memory serves you and you are quick on your feet you will be the WINNER of a very nice gift or gift certificate several times throughout the night!
Did we mention to INVITE your former upper and underclassmen of PCH? If not then, PLEASE DO!! We want to see EVERYONE! Did you go to a catholic grade school and have to part ways with some people because they went to another high school? Well, INVITE them too!
There are many reasons to join us but the most important is to come see old friends and make priceless memories that will embrace you until the next time that we can all be together again.
This is a casual event, OR dress to impress OR at least dress to make a statement! It's your choice!
Please RSVP to this event ASAP!
School tour to begins at 4pm
Doors open at 5pm
Dinner is PROMPTLY at 6pm - with an open bar which is included in your ticket price! What a deal!!
Music and fun until 12am
The cost is $65 a person.
If you arrive after 10pm it's $35 a person.
If you wait until the night of party and purchase at the door it's going to be a whopping $80 a person. YIKES!
A block of rooms have been reserved at The Holiday Inn Gateway (10 rooms) and The Courtyard by Marriott (10 rooms) off of Hill Rd. in Flint.
To place your reservation please call 810-232-5300 let them know that you are with the Powers class reunion.
The room rate is $99 plus tax. That rate is good ONLY UNTIL NOVEMBER 8th after November 8th you will receive the going rate for the day. SO RESERVE YOUR ROOM EARLY!!
SUGGESTED TAXI SERVICE: International Taxi Company 810-691-6396
25 Year Reunion Mixer
Price: $65.00